
Pride and Passion

Paarl Boys’ High is a leader on various levels in South Africa. As far a sport is concerned, it is our belief that sport plays a dynamic role in the development of young boys. It is a school rule that all boys compete in a school sport, both in summer and winter.

Winning is important, but not the schools sole objective. A sportsman may never be exploited to ensure the success of a team. The primary objective at Paarl Boys’ High School is one of enjoyment; for both player and coach. Whereas we agree with the legendary Vince Lombardi when he said: “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing’’, we hold winning to be more than just points on the board. Winning relates to the values, commitment and the pursuit of developing the abilities of players as far as possible.


All roads lead to Faure Street

In the first weekend of August, Paarl becomes a town wrapped in blue…green. Over 500 000 spectators, 25 000 at Faurestreet and the rest on live TV, watch the annual match between Paarl Boys’ High School and Paarl Gimnasium, making this the biggest annual Interschools match in the world. This annual contest started in 1915 and was only cancelled twice over the last more than a hundred years. In 1928, when Paarl Gimnasium withdrew from the contest and in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But Interschools is much more than just one game or even one weekend. During the year the two schools meet up in every possible sport, starting the year with the summer sport Interschools (swimming, tennis and cricket) and ending with the first team rugby match in August.

Maar Interskole-naweek gaan oor soveel meer as net een rugbywedstryd, dis ‘n geleentheid vir die Boishaaifamilie om saam te trek.

Elke jaar vind verskeie reünies tydens die Interskolenaweek plaas. 

Oudstudente kom van heinde en verre om weer bande met hulle Alma Mater te versterk. Die belangrikste van hierdie funksies is die Big Brag Vrydagaand in die stadsaal.

Die hoogtepunt van die naweek is die hoofwedstryd op die Saterdagmiddag by die  Faurestraat-stadion. Elke jaar word die duisende toeskouers getrakteer op skoolseunrugby wat met die beste in die wêreld vergelyk. Die naweek eindig met die “Krymekaar” in die skoolsaal waar, wen of verloor, ons ‘n naweek van ongeëwenaarde sport en sportmanskap vier. 

The biggest honour for any First team sportsman at Paarl Boys’ High School is to receive their Interschools cap at a ceremony held the Friday before the First team games. These sought after items are bestowed upon the boys by their parents. The school has been honoured to have famous sportsman like Francois Pienaar, Corné Krige, Gurthrö Steenkamp and Ashwin Willemse address to the boys at this event.


Oh when the Blues come marching in!

The story of hockey at Boys’ High begins in 1928 when there was a need for a “different” sport for the boys to play in winter. So, effectively, hockey has been part of the Boys’ High landscape for 88 years! With the move into the era of astroturf, hockey has become the fastest-growing school sport in the country, and competition has become even tougher. In 2018 kon HJS in samewerking met Klein Boishaai hul eie Astro bou. Dis Astro is die trots van die hokkieseuns en stel 14 spanne in staat om op gelyke voet met die groot Kaapse skole soos Bishops, Rondebosch en SACS te kompeteer. Under the guidance of Head Coach and Master in Charge, Rowan McLachlan, the school is excited to be moving into a new era of hockey at Paarl Boys’ High School.

Achievements on the hockey field:

  • Elmar Liebenberg (SA schools 1990 (vice-captain) and 1991(captain))
  • Reece Arendse (SA Schools B 2015)
  • Matthew Didloff (SA Schools 2019)
  • Scott Patterson (SA Schools High Performance 2020)
  • In 2019 the u16A side was placed within the top 5 teams in the country.

    Hoogtepunte op die hokkie kalender:

    • DF Malan Festival (u14)
    • Rondebosch Hockey Festival and Paarl Gimnasium-hokkiefees (u16)
    • KES Easter Hockey Festival, Paarl Gimnasium-hokkiefees, Fairmont Easter Festival (u19)
    • u18 Topskoletoernooi – Menlopark Hoërskool (2021)


    Paarl Boys’ High School has a proud rugby tradition. Over the years the name Boishaai has become synonymous with rugby and Paarl Boys’ High school is rightfully considered to be one of the major rugby schools in South Africa. The school has produced twenty-one Springboks, of whom Thomas du Toit is the most recent member. These legends include names such as Boy and Fanie Louw, Ryk van Schoor, Mannetjies Roux, Carel du Plessis, Corné Krige (also as captain) and Gurthrö Steenkamp.

    Paarl Boys’ High School was not only recognized as the no 1 ranked rugby school in South Africa 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2017, and the first team was also unbeaten 2015 to 2017.

    As deel van ons deurlopende missie om ‘n krag in Suid-Afrikaanse skolerugby te wees, verseker ons dat die seuns die geleentheid kry om teen die beste spanne beide in Suid-Afrika en internasionaal deel te neem. 

    HJS is  toonaangewend ten opsigte van die totale benadering tot rugby, wat die volgende insluit: 

    • Afrigting en afrigtingsontwikkeling
    • Kondisionering
    • Sielkundige voorbereiding 
    • Mediese versorging
    • Sterk morele waardes

    Sedert die begin van 2022 staan Mnr. Sean Erasmus weer aan die hoof van rugby by Hoër Jongenskool.


    Tydens die somermaande is atletiek die fokuspunt vir baie Boishaaiers. Of dit nou die Interhuis-byeenkoms is, of almal beetgepak word deur PRESTIGE-FEVER, HJS doen sy naam gestand op die atletiekveld. Die seuns word bygestaan deur ’n span entoesiastiese en kundige atletiekafrigters, asook buiteafrigters vir spesialisitems.  Recent achievements on the athletics field include Luciano Custodio representing South Africa at the Southern African Championships in 2019, winning gold in the 400m hurdles.  In 2018 and 2019 the Paarl Boys’ High School/Girls’ High School team won the Prestige meeting.

    Hoogtepunte op die atletiekkalender

    • Interhuisbyeenkoms
    • PBHS Invitational meeting (since 1972)
    • Top Boys
    • Prestige-atletiekbyeenkoms (‘n gekombineerde HJS/HMS-span neem deel teen Bloemhof/Paul Roos Gimnasium en Paarl Gimnasium)
    • Top 20-byeenkoms in Bloemfontein

    Mountain Biking

    In the Boland, with Paarl Mountain on the doorstep, bikers are fortunate to have an array of mountain bike tracks and trails available for training. Mountain biking is offered as a supportive sport both in the summer and winter season.  Leerders wat aan al die kriteria voldoen en deur die jaar ‘n vlak van uitnemendheid op hul fiets handhaaf, kan erekleure in bergfiets verwerf.  We have a private professional coach, Petrus Malherbe, from MRace, who trains boys from various age groups and experience levels. 

    Hoogtepunte in die bergfietskalender:

    • WP XC-reeks
    • Spur Mountain Bike-liga
    • ‘n Jaarlikse resies teen Grey Kollege

    David Frost-gimnasium

    In 2020 the newly renovated gymnasium was opened with the emphasis conditioning players to perform better on the playing field and trained athletes with exercises other than just their own discipline. Learners hit the gym for their own healthy purposes and/or perform both functional training and strength-and-conditioning to improve their game on the field, track or turf.

    Die gimnasium word deur die sportspanne gebruik vir kondisionering, sowel as individuele leerders wat voel hulle wil ‘n gesonde leefstyl handhaaf. Die gimnasium het drie verskillende afdelings wat aan verskillende behoeftes voldoen nl. die gewigskamer, die funksionele en kardio-area en die kragkamer.

    Ons is baie bevoorreg om op n jaarlikse basis ‘n toegewyde span gimnasium prefekte te hê wat omsien na die seuns se veiligheid en algehele gimnasiumnetheid.


    HJS het ’n baie ryk tennistradisie met ’n lang lys van toptennisspelers. Tans staan mnr Erik Bester (oudstudent 2000) aan die hoof van tennis. Sedert Januarie 2015 is Edge Tennisakademie by die eerste tennisspan betrokke en hulle doen uitstekende werk.  Edge Tennis Academy is one of the premier performance academies in the country. They offer a specialised service to players from the intermediate to the advanced level of the game, applying Edge’s unique in-house training methods to develop players. Every year there are several PBHS players representing Boland, as well as several Boys’ Highers achieving great results at SATA and ITF tournaments.

    Highlights on the tennis calendar

    • Marli Moolman-toernooi 
    • Gerrie Berner-toernooi
    • ABSA Grey Kollege- en 
    • Sun City Menlo Mixit-toernooi. 
    • Ons speel ook jaarliks met verskeie spanne in die Sentraal-Bolandliga.


    Meer as 170 seuns word jaarliks in die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl se sestien krieketspanne opgeneem: o.14A-D, o.15A-D en o.19A-G. 

    Krieket word in die eerste en die vierde kwartaal aangebied en daar is ’n winterprogram in die buite- en voorseisoen wat hoofsaaklik in die binneshuise nette aangebied word.  Practices take place throughout the week and every team has their own coach. Paarl Boys’ High School continues to develop players for the national and international arena but we also pride ourselves in finding the balance between mass participation and excellence. With attention concentrated towards both experienced players and beginners, we aim at making cricket at Paarl Boys’ High School competitive at the very top level of schools cricket in South Africa.

    In 2020 was HJS in die gelukkige posisie dat Johann Louw by ons aangesluit het as hoofafrigter. Johann was ‘n regterarm- medium-snelbouler wat Griekwaland-Wes, Oostelike Provinsie, Boland, Cape Cobras, Dolphins, Eagles, Northamptonshire en Middlesex verteenwoordig het.

    Over the years, Paarl Boys’ High has had many exceptional players on both national and international level:

    • Dawid Malan (2005) vir Engeland se nasionale 2016 T20-span 
    • Michael van Lingen (2015) vir Namibië 2016.
    •  Bjorn Fortuin (2012) KSA Nasionale Akademie-inname en speel ook List A-krieket vir die Bizhub Highveld Lions in 2016.
    • In 2012 wen HJS die nasionale T20-skolekompetisie en in 2015 eindig ons in dieselfde kompetisie vierde in die land. 

    Hoogtepunte in die krieketkalender sluit in

    • Koshuisligakompetisie
    • Boys’ High Premier League (T20)
    • Boishaai Krietketfees, waar 38 spanne van oor die hele land deelneem.


    Paarl Boys’ High School is fortunate to have approximately 40 learners that play the wonderful sport of golf. At the beginning of the year, these boys play trials of which 3 teams (6 players in a team) are then selected and compete against other Boland schools.

    These teams compete in the second and third term of the year against schools like Paul Roost, Somerset College and Paarl Gimnasium, to name a few. Mondays are competition days (9 holes) and on Tuesdays the boys get to practise at the wonderful Boschenmeer Golf Course.

    Hoogtepunte op die gholfkalender


    • Interhuis-golfkompetisie
    • Pa-en-seun-gholfdag
    • Sun City golf tournament
    • Westville Boys’ High School Golf Festival.
    • Boland Hoërskolekampioenskap
    • Jaarlikse kragmeting teen Grey Kollege, Bloemfontein


    Muurbal het in 2000 as ‘n skoolsport met slegs ’n u19- en ‘n u15-span begin. Dit het sedertdien so gegroei dat HJS in 2016 kan spog met vyf u19-spanne en drie u15-spanne. Sedert 2005 word HJS gereken as een van die topsewe muurbalskole in Suid-Afrika. Ons eindig in 2013 en 2015 in die 2de posisie in Suid-Afrika.

    Recent achievements:


    • 2002 Francois Louw (SA Platteland)
    • 2005 Reon Bester
    • 2010 – 2011 Du Randt Martin
    • 2014 – 2015 Justin Wesson
    • Danie Greeff (Namibië)
    • Michael van Lingen (Namibië)


    Wat by HJS se skaak uitstaan, is die ingestelheid van die spelers en die atmosfeer tydens deelname: Dit is vir ons belangrik om die spel ook te geniet. ’n Goeie voorbeeld hiervan is ons jaarlikse Interhuis-kompetisie, wat met groot erns, maar ook met groot genot aangepak word.

    Players receive regular coaching with masterclasses from professional players. Players from various levels are more than welcome to participate and join in on the learning experience. Because we compete in the Top Schools tournament, we are able to give our teams the chance to play against some of the best teams in the country.

    Recent achievements in chess


    • Topskole – nationals (2009)
    • Wes-Kaapse Topskole u15 – derde plek. 

     Highlights on the chess calendar

    • Boland league, 
    • Top Schools competition and 
    • Interschools against Grey College and Paarl Gimnasium


    Nothing beats jumping into the cool water of the swimming pool on a hot Paarl day in February. Needless to say swimming is a very popular sport in the summer terms. 

    Alhoewel HJS eers in 1982 sy eie swembad gekry het, word swem reeds in die jaarverslag van 1909 genoem. Op daardie stadium is eers in die Bergrivier en later in die dorpswembad geoefen. 

    Klub- en skoleswem is nou verweef en daarom gee ons erkenning aan klubswemmers wat kwalifiseer en deelneem aan die volgende kampioenskappe: Level 3, Prestige, Youth en Senior Nationals.

    Hoogtepunte op die swemkalender


    • Nuweland A-liga interskole gala
    • Interskole gala teen Paarl Gimnasium. 
    • En ook die interhuis gala waar die fokus altyd op massa deelname is.


    Even though Water polo is relatively new as an official sport at Paarl Boys’ High School, it has been played sporadically since 1913, only becoming an official school sport in 2013. Starting with barely eleven players we now have six teams and some.

    Our league games are mostly on Friday afternoons, some mid-week and tournaments are normally on Saturdays. Although we travel to Cape Town, Somerset West and Stellenbosch for league games, we have also hosted some games in our pool, even though it is not an ideal water polo pool.

    Hoogtepunte in die waterpolokalender

    • St Andrew’s Tournament in Grahamstown

    Cross Country

    Die pragtige Bolandse-omgewing is ideaal vir ‘n sport soos landloop. Daarom vind ons dat baie van ons manne wat uitblink in ander sportsoorte ook aan landloop deelneem. Dit maak dit moeilik om aan Boland Atletiek se byeenkomste deel te neem. Hierdie probleem is egter nie uniek aan HJS nie en agt skole in die Paarl en omgewing het besluit om saam te werk en self  byeenkomste op Woensdae te reël. Elke skool kry ’n beurt om ’n byeenkoms aan te bied. Dit het die addisionele voordeel dat die seuns elke Woensdag ‘n ander roete kan hardloop. ‘n Leerder het egter ook die geleentheid om as ‘n individu aan die Boland-landboubyeenkomste deel te neem.

    Hoogtepunte in die landloop kalender:

    • ‘n Jaarlikse resies teen Grey Kollege


    HJS se toutrekspan was nog altyd “klein, maar getrain”. Ons het skaars meer as 20 trekkers. Maar omdat Boishaaiers op groot uitdagings floreer en waardes soos spanwerk en dissipline so goed verstaan, kan ons selfs “toutrekreuse” soos HTS Drostdy en Oakdale laat sweet.

    In the coming years we will be building on this proud tradition and expanding our team in a brand-new tug of war arena at BUCO-Brug Street.


    Die waarde wat HJS aan noodhulp heg, word weerspieël in die feit dat noodhulp as ‘n volwaardige buitemuurse aktiwiteit gereken word.

    HJS is bevoorreg om van die beste noodhulpfasiliteite te hê. Die noodhulpfasiliteite by die BUCO-Brugstraatsportterrein is nou ‘n pronkstuk van HJS en is voldoende toegerus om ‘n noodoperasie te kan uitvoer indien nodig. Ons fisioterapeut bedryf haar praktyk vanuit die noodhulpfasiliteit en neem beheer van die noodkamer op Saterdae. Ons het ook altyd ‘n dokter aan diens.

    Our boys can acquire a life skill by doing first aid courses. These are international qualifications and we were extremely proud when Bernard Badenhorst achieved 97% in his level 3 exam (2020).