Sang en musiek verryk die skoollewe en ontsluit talente; daarom is dit vir ons by die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl belangrik dat seuns soveel as moontlik geleentheid kry om ook hul talente op kulturele vlak te beoefen. Ons het ‘n baie aktiewe kultuurdepartement.
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Me Marissa von Mollendorf
Hoof van Kultuur
Adventure Club
Die HJS Avontuurklub bied gereelde avontuuraktiwiteite aan om vir ons seuns ontspanningsgeleenthede in die natuur te skep. Deur meer in die natuur te kom, kan die seuns ook ‘n waardering daarvoor kweek en terselfdertyd ontspan en hulself geniet.
The trips that we have done in the past include hiking, canoeing and ziplining. Our most recent trip included climbing the two highest peaks in the Sederberg, Tafelberg and Sneeuberg. Our master in charge, Mr Sakkie Visagie, has more than 30 years’ experience in leading adventure camps.
Die blaasorkes (bekend as Suonare) onder leiding van mnr Reghardt Kühn tree by alle formele byeenkomste (wat die prysuitdeling, Stigtersdag, konserte en saalbyeenkomste insluit) op, en neem gereeld aan kompetisies en eisteddfods deel. Instrumente in die orkes sluit in: houtblasers (soos dwarsfluite, klarinette en saksofone), koperblasers (soos trompette, trombone en tubas) en perkussie (soos tromstel, timpani en aanvullende instrumente).
The choir performs regularly at music and art festivals, churches and eisteddfods. They have also featured on SABC3’s morning show, Expresso. From 2010 to 2016 Cantare was awarded a Cum Laude certificate at the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod. From 2014 to 2017 they furthermore received gold certificates at the ATKV Applous Choir Competition (Western Cape). In 2015 and 2016 they won the national round of the ATKV Applous Choir Competition (category boys’ choirs) and in 2019 they received a third place in the merit category of the same competition.
In 2018 verower Cantare ‘n silwermedalje by die Wêreld-Koorkampioenskap. Die koordirigent is mnr Stéfan van Hansen.
Die Verenigde Christen-Studentevereniging bestaan sedert 1903 in Hoër Jongenskool Paarl.
CSV bied ‘n geleentheid vir die seuns van Hoër Jongenskool Paarl om een keer ‘n week saam met hulle vriende oor God te gesels en geestelik te groei.
We discuss different themes during each term and once a month we invite speakers to address the school. The association is annually involved in community projects that teach the boys not only to talk about their faith, but also to live it. We believe that The United Christian Students’ Association will continue to lead the boys in their faith and shape them for the future.
Regular Praise and Worship nights are also organised, where young men and ladies from Paarl Boys’ High and surrounding schools convene to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth. This is done because we believe that “Worship is bringing honour to God, acknowledging who He is, and magnifying his glory”.
Redenaars & Debat
By HJS glo ons dat leerders voorberei moet word om op ‘n oorredende, dog hoflike wyse hul waardes en sienswyses uit te leef.
Leerders wat van graad 8 af deelneem aan die verskillende debat- en redenaarskompetisies ontwikkel dan ook hierdie vaardighede tot so ‘n mate dat hul uiteindelik in die buitelewe hulself kan handhaaf en gesaghebbend kan uitdruk.
Die leerders neem jaarliks deel aan interhuisdebat- en redenaarsgeleenthede, asook aan die ATKV-Redenaars en ATKV-Debatkompetisie.
The number of boys that are taking part in debating has grown to such an extent that an outside coach was brought in to train and coach the boys in the art of parliamentary style debating – a practice that is bearing fruit annually with many of our boys representing South Africa in international debating competitions.
Die baie bekende HJS-drumline is in 2008 gestig. Hulle tree hoofsaaklik by interskolewedstryde, verskeie musiekkonserte, Eisteddfods en ander sportgeleenthede op. Die drumline help met geesbou voor groot hokkie- of rugbywedstryde. Die leerders kom met hulle eie materiaal vorendag en alles word van gehoor af aangeleer.
The concept of a drumline originated in the USA. A drumline forms part of the rhythm section of a marching band. The drums used by BHS were imported from Korea and we were the first institution in South Africa to purchase these instruments.
Die jaarlikse Interhuis-toneelkompetisie bied aan aspirant regisseurs, draaiboekskrywers en akteurs die geleentheid om hul talente op en agter die verhoog te ontgin. Groepe van die onderskeie koshuise en daghuise kry ses weke om hul toneelstukke te skryf en voor te berei, en dan hul slag met regie, klank en beligting by die kompetisie te wys.
Na afloop van die kompetisie word toekennings gemaak aan die beste akteur, beste ondersteunende akteur, beste toneelstuk en bes geskrewe toneelstuk.
Music department
Music is seen as an integral part of the balanced lifestyle of Paarl Boys’ High, and the school has a proud tradition in this field with many Old Boys coming into prominence in their musical careers.
Tuition is offered in all the keyboard, woodwind and brass instruments, as well as singing, electric guitar and drum kit. Every teacher is a specialist in the instrument(s) that they teach. Boys may choose to make music only for the fun of it, or participate in a number of eisteddfods and external examinations.
Paarl Boys’ High boasts a rich tradition of spectacular musicals and revues that make for precious memories. State-of-the-art in-house sound and lighting, as employed by the sound and lighting team, and live music produced by members of the Music Department add to the sparkle of these events. An added attraction to the young, aspiring actors and dancers is the collaboration with girls from all the local schools. This creates wonderful opportunities for life-long friendships.
Some past productions include The Boyfriend (2006), Musical Memories (2008), Houtkruis (2010), All Shook Up (2012) and Footloose (2014). In 2018, a celebratory feast in honour of PBH’s 150th anniversary was brought to life on stage, with a newly written revue titled “The Twig Became a Tree”.
Founded in 2016, Paarl Boys’ High’s a cappella group (known as Gallico), mainly focuses on singing without instrumental accompaniment.
Comprising Boys’ High’s finest voices, the group focuses on singing arrangements of popular music. They are awarded opportunities to perform at various cultural events throughout the school year, such as the school’s picnic concert, Christmas concert as well as the annual culture evening in collaboration with Grey College. Die lede word ook die kans gegun om by eisteddfods en feeste op te tree.
Style Event
Every year, nine finalists from the Grade 12 group compete for the covetous title of “Mr Style”.
The event originated from the need to create a platform where the ideal of the gentleman, which forms such an integral part of the ethos of each young man who dons the blue blazer, is placed in the spotlight. The evening hosts visual material of the charity work undertaken by the finalists, top quality entertainment, prominent personalities adjudicating and an extremely entertaining show by the finalists, supported by the latest sound and lighting technology.
South African National School’s Festival
The South African National School Festival, under the auspices of the Grahamstown Foundation, is a “life-altering, mind-blowing, soul-soaring experience with the arts.” Each year more than 500 Grade 11 learners from all over the Western Cape assemble at Artscape to attend brilliant shows, hands-on workshops and lectures. All of this develops each participant’s potential and broadens the mind.
Ons skop elke jaar af met ‘n heerlike kamp vir al die lede van die koor, blaasorkes, serenadegroep, drumline én debatspan. Die oorhoofse doel van die onderskeie musiekgroepe is om nuwe repertorium vir die jaar aan te leer; en hulle oefen gemiddeld ses tot agt ure elke dag. Die debatspan gebruik hierdie waardevolle tyd om parlementêre debatstyl aan te leer en te verfyn.
Verder ruim die groepe ook tyd in om visies, doelwitte en waardesisteme in plek te kry, en groepleiers aan te wys.
Die Blueprint is ons kwartaallikse koerant en nuusbrief. Elke kwartaal se uitgawe handel om ‘n sentrale tema, en die joernaliste doen baie moeite om verskeie tipe verslaggewing in te sluit – onder meer diepgaande ondersoeke, onderhoude en humoristiese artikels.
Die pasgestigde fotografieklub het ten doel om seuns met die nodige vaardighede toe te rus om goeie sport-, kultuur- en enige ander aktiwiteit se foto’s te neem en daarmee vir hulle erkenning te gee op ons sosiale media (bv. Facebook en Instagram).
Interschools Band
Our very own rock band, leading the school in song at various rugby matches and sing-songs.
Shortfilm Society
The Shortfilm Society is a platform for various projects in the field of cinematography. Our aspiring actors, directors, cameramen and sound technicians meet regularly to produce movie-quality short films.
Die toneelklub is ‘n informele aktiwiteit waar almal welkom is – van aspirant akteurs, tot seuns wat sommer net wil leer om met meer selfvertroue te praat en op te tree. Die toneelklub leer waardevolle lewensvaardighede en daarmee saam het ons baie groot pret (op én agter die verhoog!)